It's time to Get Earthed. It's time to ignite that fire for protecting Mama Earth that has been waiting inside you to be set alight and help grow her Tribe of protectors. Because I promise you once you do, there is an amazing community of nature warriors ready to embrace you, inspire you and take you along the wonderful road to living a conscious life.

Your earth-loving choices and changes don't have to be hard to make, they don't have to be huge and they don't have to completely and instantly change your way of life – just take One Earth Conscious Step At A Time.

To avoid the overwhelming pressure of 'saving the world' embrace the simple and just…'You do you', because it's the only thing we know how!

Do you ever have this "I don't know how to help" feeling? It can be all encompassing, overwheling and means we end up doing nothing because we feel like we're not able to do enough.

I get it and I ........ So I created this earthy space is for you!
Learn more about me -> 


Why should we Get Earthed?

We are co-inhabitants of Earth, not sole inhabitants. 

But mankind has become so accustomed to this destructive pattern of take, take, take with not enough give. And we just cannot sustain this system.

Our natural world should be celebrated and loved each and every day in all its glory.

Shouldn't we be marvelling at its beauty, intrigued by its complexities and be in awe of its abilities? And shouldn't we be respecting and appreciating our reliance on it for our survival - for our mind, body and soul?

Living consciously is to live with our eyes, ears and heart open. To live with the appreciation we were created as part of Earth.

It is to consider the impact our every decision has on the planet we have all been granted the amazing privilege to call home. To consider the bigger picture. To consider the health and the fate of Mama Earth. To appreciate we are Mama Earth's people, she is not ours. To appreciate we are more than just the individual, but a community - a community of planet Earth.

And to appreciate the incredible force of the collective - of people power. 

So, it's time to Get Earthed. It's time to ignite that fire for protecting Mama Earth that has been waiting inside you to be set alight and help grow her Tribe of protectors. Because I promise you once you do, there is an amazing community of nature warriors ready to embrace you, inspire you and take you along the wonderful road to living a conscious life.

Your passion for a greater, kinder and more sustainable world is needed.