As we prepare to close the chapter on this strange and heavy year it is even more important to consider that Christmas, with all its wonderful energy, also comes with a darker side.
Read MoreFor us and those yet to come to look back at now as a time where we began flowing with nature instead of against it. A time we spent more time looking up at the stars and down at the earth than just looking straight ahead desperate for the next thing, the better thing, the newest thing.
Read MoreMaybe this Christmas, as our country burns, as heart break and loss sweeps through beautiful communities and petrified land creatures suffer and perish, we change our approach to gifting.
Read MoreIt’s so easy to get wrapped up in all the craziness of Christmas festivities! We become so consumed by all the buzz we neglect the most beautiful gift of all…Mama Earth. So, Get Earthed with these 12 tips to help you soften your footprint on our planet this Christmas.
Read MoreOur recycling system is in crisis. Just because a plastic container has a little ‘recyclable’ triangle arrow symbol doesn’t mean it will be recycled!
Read MoreWhy do we need to create more beautiful when there’s already so much beautiful already here on earth waiting to shower us with all the love? Why are we turning to breeders, puppy farms and pet shops when our shelters are so desperate to find homes for so many beautiful creatures right now?
Read MoreI never thought I would be so proud of a bin of food scraps! But two years on, my DIY plastic-free compost is going strong. For me this little project has ignited a real passion in what we should be doing with our food waste!
Read MoreSpending completely surreal moments deep in the big blue with these huge creatures it really hits hard to learn of their struggle for survival, with humans their greatest threat. Wildlife encounters are so incredibly magic but we want to make that two way magic for the animals too.
Read MoreIf it’s your first time giving Plastic Free July a whirl you might be a bit unsure of what it is and what you can do! The easiest option is to try cutting out the BIG 4 – plastic water bottles, plastic bags, coffee cups & straws – these are the main offenders!
Read MoreRecycling used to be the buzzword before moving to reusing but we’re so far gone now that choosing to refuse to begin with is even more awesome! Because the plastic bottles, bags, takeaway coffee cups and containers that we use just for a few minutes are made of materials designed to last forever.
Read MoreFrom the all-in "I'm going completely plastic-free today, forever!" style of approach to the slower, one-step-at-a-time approach, just go with what feels good for you and right for you. It's about creating a new sustainable way of life – forever, not just for today.
Read MoreThe ocean is magic. We’ve been given this amazing gift of being able to experience its magic - to heal, to energise, to ground ourselves in, so isn't only fair we respect something that gives us so much?
Read MorePlastic has only been in our lives for around 100 years and in such a short time, comparative to man's time on Earth, we have become grossly dependent on this man-made material.
Read MoreThe smallest of choices and the smallest of changes, do matter. That one plastic bag you say no to, does matter. The skincare product you refuse and make naturally from your own home, does matter. The straw you refuse, the food waste you compost, the beeswax wraps you invest in - it all matters.
Read MoreI am not a completely perfectly organic, plastic-free, nature warrior-like unicorn, but I feel I am now living more aligned with the Earth. Every purchase I make, every choice I make, I understand has an impact, and it can be either a positive or a negative for our world, and I strive for the positive kind.
Read MoreI feel many are living a life riddled by tunnel vision and are blinded by a future they feel pressured to create, not the future they actually want for themselves. And in doing so, people are losing touch with the source of everything.
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